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Gemplus Gempc Usb-sw Driver For Mac WORK

Installing the most current driver and software versions helps avoiding many problems. To download the latest software/drivers for your product check the manufacturer's support site.

Gemplus Gempc Usb-sw Driver For Mac

IDBridge CT700 comes with a large 2 lines and 16 characters display, to guide and help the user with PIN entry and change operations. User interface is available in several languages and new ones can be easily programmed. Integration and maintenance is simplified by re-using Gemalto PC Link drivers and GemCore Pro firmware, already implemented in PC readers and partner keyboards

See the evolutions of the CCID driver in Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11), Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15), Big Sur (11.0), Monterey (12.0).

Get the root privileges and install it.root% make installroot% echo "/usr/local/pcsc/lib" >> /etc/ ldconfigroot% mkdir /dev/pcscroot% mkdir /usr/local/pcsc/driversroot% echo "/usr/local/pcsc/sbin/pcscd" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.localNoteFor security reasons we should create a special account with the good privileges to start the daemon.

Download the last version of ifd-gempc-x.y.z.tar.gz [RousseauWeb].root% tar xvzf ifd-gempc-x.y.z.tar.gzroot% cd /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/ifd-gempc-x.y.z/GemPC410Modify the INCS in Makefile with the path where you have installed the PC/SC Lite include files:INCS = -I/usr/local/pcsc/includeroot% makeAdd in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:FRIENDLYNAME "Gemplus GemPC410 Reader"DEVICENAME GEMCORELIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/ifd-gempc-x.y.z/GemPC410/libGemPC410.soCHANNELID 1

Download ifd-sm-x.y.z.tar.gz [SauveronWeb]root% tar xvzf ifd-sm-x.y.z.tar.gzroot% cd ifd-sm-x.y.zroot% makeAdd in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:FRIENDLYNAME "SM1 Reader"DEVICENAME SM1LIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/ifd-sm-x.y.z/libsm_ifd.soCHANNELID 1

Download towitoko-x.y.z.tar.gzuser% tar xzvf towitokox.y.z.tar.gzuser% cd towitokox.y.zuser% ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcsc/drivers/towitoko --enable-usb-bundle --with-pcsc-lite-dir=/usr/local/pcscuser% makeuser% make checkGet the root privileges.root% make installAdd in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:FRIENDLYNAME "TOWITOKO CHIPDRIVE extern 320"DEVICENAME CHIPDRIVE320LIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/towitoko/lib/libtowitoko.soCHANNELID 1

Download ccid-x.y.z.tar.gz [PCSCLite].This driver needs libusb (cf. the libusb section).user% tar xvzf ccid-x.y.z.tar.gzuser% cd ccid-x.y.zuser% ./configure --enable-libusb=/usr/local/user% makeGet the root privileges.root% make install

Plug your reader and get the informations with lsusb -v or cat /proc/bus/usb/devicesIf you obtain for the SCR331 an idProduct's value equal to 0xe000, you must upgrade the firmware explained in the following procedure.Else if you obtain 0xe001 you must choose to use the generic CCID driver (cf. section Generic CCID readers) or install the SCM driver as described at the end of this section.

Install the GNU/Linux driver from -0.9.0-1.i386.rpmOn my Slackware, I converted the rpm to a tgz file using rpm2tgztar xvzf scr331ccidDriver-0.9.0-1.i386.tgzGet the root privileges and move the driver to /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/

Download towitoko-x.y.z.tar.gzuser% tar xzvf towitokox.y.z.tar.gzuser% cd towitokox.y.zuser% ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcsc/drivers/towitoko --enable-usb-bundle --with-pcsc-lite-dir=/usr/local/pcscuser% makeuser% make checkGet the root privileges.root% make install

1) Installation of the module for the pcmcia card GRP400:This is necessary to handle the PCMCIA.Download the sources of the pcmcia-cs [PCMCIA-CS]user% tar xvzf pcmcia-cs-3.1.34.tar.gzDownload the module for the GPR400 [????]Following the README of gpr400_cs-0.9.6.tar.gzi.e:user% cd pcmcia-cs-3.1.34user% tar xvzf gpr400_cs-0.9.6.tar.gzChange the value of #define PCMCIA_DEBUG from 1 to 0 in the gpr400_cs.cuser% make configuser% make allGet the root privileges.root% make installroot% mknod /dev/gpr400 c 123 0root% chmod 0666 /dev/gpr4002) Installation of the GPR400 PC/SC driver:Download the source ifd-gpr400-0.3.tar.gz [????]Get the root privileges.root% cd /dev/pcscroot% ln -s ../gpr400 5root% cd /usr/local/pcsc/driversroot% tar xvzf ifd-gpr400-0.3.tar.gzroot% cd ifd-gpr400-0.3Add at the beginning of the CFLAGS -I/usr/local/pcsc/include in the MakefileComment in the pcscdefines.h file the following lines:/*typedef unsigned long DWORD;typedef unsigned long* PDWORD;typedef unsigned char UCHAR;typedef unsigned char* PUCHAR;typedef char* LPSTR;typedef long RESPONSECODE;*/Copy ifdhandler.h from ifd-devkit-1.0.0.tar.gz or from an old version of pcsc-lite (for instance 1.0.1) in the directory. make Add in /etc/reader.conf the following entry:FRIENDLYNAME "Gemplus GPR400 Reader"DEVICENAME GPR400LIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/drivers/ifd-gpr400-0.3/libgpr400_ifd.soCHANNELID 5NoteI have submitted a modified version of this driver to Joe Phillips.

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